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Friday, January 24, 2014 (read 1314 times)

Toledo Celebrating El Greco in 2014

by Tyson

Toledo is gearing up to celebrate the memory and artistic legacy of one of Spain’s most illustrious artists, El Greco. This Spanish town located just a quick half hour train ride from Madrid will showcase a handsome selection of El Greco’s most vibrant works and host lively performances scheduled to take to the streets and splash colorful excitement onto historic urban landscapes. Events will take place throughout 2014.

The Year of El Greco

El Greco left the world 400 years ago, but his vibrant and expressive body of work continues inspiring observers in exhibits around the world. Although El Greco was born in Crete (El Greco was a nickname meaning The Greek) and he worked in Venice and Rome, he produced his most notable work in Toledo and his life is strongly associated with the city.

A firework show and a simultaneous bell concert presented by Spanish composer Llorenç Barber kicked off the festivities on January 18th.  

Surprisingly, this is the first time an exhibit specifically devoted to the work of the painter has been held in Toledo. From March 14th to June 14th over 100 El Greco works are being displayed in the Museo de Santa Cruz and special venues opened to visitors throughout town in the largest exhibit for the painter ever held. Over 60 of these works to be exhibited have been shipped in from 29 different cities around the world for this special event. The exhibit begins with works done by El Greco before his arrival to Spain, following his life from his early training in Crete and to the period spent in Italy where he slowly absorbed Italian influences from masters such as Titian, Tintoretto, and Michelangelo.

El Greco venues are selected spaces around Toledo that share a link to the artist’s life, places where viewers can take in historic artwork while immersed in the original contexts they were created for.  

Performing arts events scheduled to take place throughout the year are designed to recall a time in the city’s distant past, a time when El Greco busied himself with creating some of Spain’s most famous artistic works. Music and dance performances will celebrate the three cultures present in the Toledo of El Greco’s time. At times the city of Toledo will even convert into a stage for acrobats and other circus performers.

The official website has ideas on how you can personally get involved.

El Greco in other Spanish Cities

Although The Year of El Greco festivities are mainly set in Toledo, other Spanish cities are also participating with special events:

Valladolid – The National Museum of Sculpture, “Between heaven and earth” will show El Greco’s influence on contemporary art. The event will also be held at Madrid’s Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Fernanado

Madrid  - Prado Museum, “La biblioteca del Greco” exhibit will display 100 books from the painters library, March 31 – June 29th).

Keywords: toledo,el greco,toledo spain,spanish artists,spanish cities,spanish city

Posted In: Spain, Culture


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