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Test your Spanish - Level Beginner


Beginning I
Beginning II
Intermediate I
Intermediate II


Sorry! You did not pass the Beginning I level.

You only answered 0 questions out of 10 correctly. You needed to answer 8 questions correctly in order to pass the test.


Question 1: (TIENE) When speaking of someone's age, we use the verb "TENER", Additionally, it should be conjugated in the third person since we are speaking about Juan (él).

Question 2: (VIVE) The verb "VIVIR" + the preposition "en" indicates residence in a certain place. Vivir en = To live in.

Question 3: (LE GUSTA) The verb GUSTAR is always combined with the pronoun LE when conjugated in third person. The GUSTAR part of the verb is in singular because what he/she likes refers to a singular item.

Question 4: (SE VISTE) VESTIRSE, reflexive and irregular verb. For this reason it has the pronoun "SE" and in this conjugation the "E" is changed for an "I".

Question 5: (BLANCA) The root of the adjective "BLANCO " is "BLANC-" to which you can add -O, -OS, -A, or -AS depending on the gender and number of nouns it describes.

Question 6: (HAY) The verb HAY appears with un/una afterwards whenever referring to a singular object (eg: Hay un coche). The verb HAY will appear without an article if referring to a common word in plural (eg: Hay coches). The verb ESTÁ/N appears with the articles el/la/los/las afterwards when referring to non-proper nouns (eg: Allí está el coche). However, ESTÁ/N appears without an article when referring to a proper noun (eg: Allí está Laura.)

Question 7: (DELANTE DEL) DELANTE always includes the preposition "DE". However, in some cases when the article "EL" follows the preposition DE, the two words will combine to create "DEL". (eg: Delante del coche; Delante de la casa.)

Question 8: (ESTE) ESTE + singular word; ESTO + singular word; AQUELLO + singular word; ESTOS refers to something in plural. (eg: Este coche, Estos coches)

Question 9: (SUS) SUS is used to show possession of something in plural (eg: Son sus padres/They are his parents). SUYOS also shows possession in plural but does not include the noun (eg: Son suyos/They are his).

Question 10: (MUCHO) MUY + adjetive (eg: Muy bonito). MUCHO + singular word (eg: Hace mucho calor). vale/cuesta/me gusta + MUCHO.

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