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Suggestions for the Cover Letter

First thing to bear in mind is that just like a CV, a letter of introduction is a serious document. And, like a CV, there are certain rules you must follow when writing a letter of introduction. First and foremost you mustn´t treat it as a normal letter you would send to a friend or family member. Potential employers'aren´t interested in the state of the weather. A letter of introduction has a definite job and for this reason you need to employ certain tried and tested formulas and structures when writing it. The advice contained in the list below will help you produce a well-structured letter of introduction.


If at all possible, always address your letter to a specific person.

In your letter you must include your home address (top right-hand corner) and the address of the company or organisation to which you are applying (left-hand side, 2 lines below your addres)

Your telephone number

Always sign the letter.

Be sincere and try not to include personal motives when asking for the job

The style should be clear and concise. Only include pertinent information and don´t reproduce your CV, just make reference to it.

The length of the letter is impotant. Ideally it ought to have 4 paragraphs of no more than 4 lines each paragraph. And remember, clarity and ease of understanding is the key to a good letter of introduction.

Select with care the style and size of text (fount) you use and don´t use complicated phrases that could confuse or mislead the reader.


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