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DELE Exam - Spanish Certificate DELE C1

Level C1 recognises the candidate as being able to manage the language with ease, in dealing with a wide variety of oral and written texts of certain lengths, in all registers of the language, recognising even implied meanings, attitudes or intentions.

Reading comprehension

(Duration 80 minutes)

The candidate:

1. Must understand the general idea and specific information of public and professional themes (700-800 words) and will answer the multiple choice questions selecting the right answer from a choice of three.

2. Will reconstruct the structure and identify the links between the ideas of extensive texts (600-700 words), completing paragraphs with complex sentences.

3. Will identify the content and the intention or point of view of news articles and reports (600-700 words), which look at professional and academic themes, selecting the right answer to the multiple choice questions from a choice of three.

4. Will find specific and relevant information in short texts (100-150 words), which deal with aspects related to the academic world, using short sentences to relate them to one another.

5. Will identify the appropriate structures and lexis in a long text taken from a real source (400-450 words).

Written expression

(Duration 80 minutes)

In the first task, from the information given about the content of a given text, through an oral medium (conference, speech or presentation) the candidate must construct a long written argument and/or explanation (between 220-250 words) demonstrating the main ideas in a clear, detailed and well structured manner.

In the second task, from the information given about the content of a given text, through a written medium (newspaper advertisements, instructions, summaries of opinion articles) which help to identify and contextualise the text, the candidate must write a long formal text (between 200-250 words), demonstrating the arguments, the primary and secondary ideas and the details in a clear, detailed and well structured manner.

Aural comprehension

(Duration 60 minutes)

The candidate will be given 5 tasks based on understanding the main points and extracting specific information from a text, identifying from short monologues the person who is speaking, understanding their attitude, their bias or their intentions and grasp the essential idea of what is being said, extracting concrete and detailed information.

They must complete sentences with phrases or words and will have to answer multiple choice questions by selecting the right response from a choice of three.

Oral expression

(Duration 20 minutes)

The candidate must carry out 3 tasks. In the first one the candidate must make a short speech about a given text. In the second, they will construct a formal debate leading on from the opinion they expressed in the first task. In task 3, they will participate in a formal conversation with the examiner, stimulated by graphic or visual texts.